Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2013/10/05 10:40

From version 130.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2011/04/26 13:21
Change comment: There is no comment for this version
To version 133.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2011/04/25 15:07
Change comment: There is no comment for this version



Page properties
... ... @@ -1,1 +1,1 @@
1 -Getting the Wonder Source Code
1 +Downloading, Building, Installing and Upgrading Wonder Source Code
... ... @@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
1 -{{tip title="Now with more Git"}}
1 +== Introduction ==
2 2  
3 -As of March 25th, 2011 the Wonder source code is now maintained on [GitHub|] at []. You'll need to be familiar with the [Git|] Source Code Management system. [Here's|WO:Getting Started with Git] a good place to start. You will use Git to checkout a local copy of the repository (a "clone" in Git terms) allowing you to have direct access to the Wonder source.
3 +Instead of downloading the Wonder binaries, working from the latest source code directly can have some advantages such as:
4 4  
5 -{{/tip}}
6 -
7 -Instead of constantly re-downloading and installing the latest Wonder binaries you should work directly with the latest source code. It has several advantages including:
8 -
9 -* You'll learn a lot about WebObjects, EOF and Object-Oriented Patterns
10 -* Easily search, browse and even modify and improve Wonder
11 -* Work with a specific revision, which is key for teams, quality control and development cycles
5 +* Learn a lot about WebObjects and EOF (and Java development styles)
6 +* Easily browse and search the source
7 +* Work with a specific source control version (teams, quality control, development cycles)
8 +* Provide opportunities to submit patches for bug fixes or enhancements
12 12  * Add logging statements in Wonder source so you can better understand what is going when tracking down hard to find bugs
13 13  * Discover the many Hidden Treasures of Wonder.
14 14  
15 15  == Downloading ==
16 16  
17 -Open a terminal and navigate to a directory where you want to maintain a source "working copy" and just use the following commands to clone Wonder source to your computer.
14 +{{tip title="Now with more Git"}}
15 +As of March 25th, 2011 the Wonder source code is now maintained on [GitHub|] at []. You'll need to be familiar with the [Git|] Source Code Management system. [Here's|WO:Getting Started with Git] a good place to start. You will use Git to checkout a local copy of the repository (a "clone" in Git terms) allowing you to have direct access to the Wonder source.
16 +{{/tip}}
18 18  
19 -1. h5. Clone the source repository from GitHub into a new directory named "WonderSource" or whatever you'd like.
18 +Open a terminal and navigate to a directory where you want to maintain a source "working copy" and just use the following easy-peasy commands to clone Wonder source to your computer.
20 20  
20 +1. h5. Clone the source repository from github into a new directory named "WonderSource".
21 +
21 21  {{note title="Read Only"}}
22 22  Note the URL shown here is the public read-only URL. Committers should use the SSH form of the URL for read-write
23 23  {{/note}}
... ... @@ -55,11 +55,116 @@
55 55  
56 56  {{/note}}
57 57  
58 -1. h5. Build and Install
59 -For building and installing the Wonder Frameworks, please see the standard [[Building and Installing WO Frameworks with Ant>>WO:Building and Installing a WO Framework with Ant]] pages.
59 +== Building ==
60 60  
61 +In general, it is recommended that you use Hudson/Jenkins to build your WebObjects frameworks and applications, but it is not required. You can build either from the Terminal as outlined below, or from within Eclipse directly.
62 +
63 +{{tip title="Pro Tip"}}
64 +If you use Hudson/Jenkins to build your WebObjects applications, then you do not need to actually build or install the Project Wonder frameworks on your development machine, just having the individual Wonder source code projects open in your eclipse workspace is sufficient. Your Hudson/Jenkins server will need the built frameworks installed. See the [Hudson/Jenkins Page|WO:Installing and Using the Hudson build server] for more information.
65 +{{/tip}}
66 +
67 +{{note title="Requires WebObjects"}}
68 +
69 +These build instructions require the WebObjects frameworks to already be installed in the normal location:
70 +* Mac OS X: {{/System/Library/Framworks/}}
71 +* Linux: {{/Library/Frameworks}}
72 +
73 +Otherwise you will get compiler errors like this:
74 +{noformat}
75 +[wocompile] /Wonder/WonderGit/WonderSource/Frameworks/Core/JavaWOExtensions/Sources/com/webobjects/woextensions/
76 + package com.webobjects.appserver does not exist
77 +[wocompile] import com.webobjects.appserver.WOContext;
78 +{noformat}
79 +
80 +{{/note}}
81 +
82 +You can build the Wonder frameworks from the source code you just cloned to the default (##/Roots##) directory with the following command:
83 +
84 +===== Build the frameworks from the "cloned" source. =====
85 +
86 +{{code value="none"}}
87 +ant frameworks
88 +{{/code}}
89 +
90 +== Installing ==
91 +
92 +Assuming you already cloned and installed Wonder from source using the method outlined above, you can use the following procedure pull the latest changes into your local repository.
93 +
94 +===== Install the frameworks =====
95 +
96 +{{code value="none"}}
97 +sudo ant frameworks.install
98 +{{/code}}
99 +
100 +This copies the built frameworks from ##/Roots## to the runtime Frameworks directory:
101 +
102 +* Mac OS X: ##/Library/Framworks/##
103 +* Linux: ##/Local/Library/Frameworks##
104 +
105 +You can combine the build and install steps by simply executing this Ant command:
106 +
107 +{{code value="none"}}
108 +sudo ant frameworks frameworks.install
109 +{{/code}}
110 +
111 +== Upgrading ==
112 +
113 +This will clean out the existing versions of the frameworks. This isn't strictly necessary, you could just re-install over the top of the old frameworks, but deleting then manually copying over the new ones will clean up any old frameworks that are no longer included in the standard build.
114 +
115 +1. h5. Navigate to the original Wonder source directory that you created above during initial source installation
116 +
117 +{{code value="none"}}
118 +cd /path/to/WonderSource
119 +{{/code}}
120 +
121 +1. h5. Pull the changes you do not have and merge them with your local repository
122 +
123 +{{code value="none"}}
124 +git pull
125 +{{/code}}
126 +
127 +1. h5. Build the frameworks.
128 +
129 +{{code value="none"}}
130 +ant frameworks
131 +{{/code}}
132 +
133 +1. h5. Navigate to the Roots directory that was automatically created by the initial Source installation procedure above
134 +
135 +{{code value="none"}}
136 +cd ~/Roots/
137 +{{/code}}
138 +
139 +1. h5. Delete all installed frameworks whose names match the built frameworks in this Roots build folder
140 +
141 +{{code value="none"}}
142 +for FRAMEWORK in `echo *.framework`; do sudo rm -r /Library/Frameworks/${FRAMEWORK}; done
143 +{{/code}}
144 +
61 61  {{info}}
62 62  
63 -If you have any trouble or errors due to your local repository getting corrupted, simply delete the entire local repository (the {{\~/Roots}} directory) and start over using this source clone procedure.
147 +If you have any trouble or errors due to your local repository getting hosed, then simply delete the entire local repository directory, the \~/Roots directory and just start over using the initial source clone and installation procedure outlined above.
64 64  
65 65  {{/info}}
150 +
151 +{{info value="Custom Development Enviroment File layout using Custom"}}
152 +
153 +If you have a custom wolips properties file for a specific workspace and you want to have a specific Wonder clone for that workspace, you can simply link your custom wolips properties file to a soft link named in the working copy root directory. The Wonder build script will supersede all other filesystem layout poperties with the properties in that file.
154 +
155 +For example:
156 +
157 +{code:none}
158 +cd my/special/purpose/clone/of/Wonder
159 +ln -s ~/Library/Application\ Support/WOLips/
160 +{code}
161 +
162 +An example of where this approach might be used would be when you have different projects (perhaps in a specially designated workspace) that use a specific version of WebObjects and a specific version or branch of Wonder.
163 +
164 +*Tip:* Specify a custom build directory for Wonder by adding the property 'wo.external.root' to the custom wolips properties file, for example
165 +{code:none}
166 +wo.external.root=/Users/mike/Developer/special/directory/Roots
167 +{code}
168 +
169 +*Tip:* A custom WebServer install directory can be specified to Wonder by adding the property 'wo.server.root' to the custom wolips properties file also.
170 +
171 +{{/info}}