Changes for page Getting the Wonder Source Code
Last modified by Bastian Triller on 2013/10/05 10:40
From version 122.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2011/04/25 12:43
on 2011/04/25 12:43
Change comment:
There is no comment for this version
To version 120.1
edited by David Avendasora
on 2011/04/25 12:59
on 2011/04/25 12:59
Change comment:
There is no comment for this version
Page properties (1 modified, 0 added, 0 removed)
- Page properties
- Content
... ... @@ -23,13 +23,26 @@ 23 23 Note the URL shown here is the public read-only URL. Committers should use the SSH form of the URL for read-write 24 24 {{/note}} 25 25 26 -{{code}} 26 +{{code value="none"}} 27 27 git clone git:// WonderSource 28 28 {{/code}} 29 29 30 +You should see output something like this: 31 + 32 +{{noformat}} 33 + 34 +Cloning into WonderSource... 35 +remote: Counting objects: 174269, done. 36 +remote: Compressing objects: 100% (57304/57304), done. 37 +remote: Total 174269 (delta 107374), reused 173934 (delta 107067) 38 +Receiving objects: 100% (174269/174269), 137.94 MiB | 8.29 MiB/s, done. 39 +Resolving deltas: 100% (107374/107374), done. 40 + 41 +{{/noformat}} 42 + 30 30 1. Navigate into the working copy root 31 31 32 -{{code}} 45 +{{code value="none"}} 33 33 cd WonderSource 34 34 {{/code}} 35 35 ... ... @@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ 44 44 45 45 1. Build the frameworks from the "cloned" source. 46 46 47 -{{code}} 60 +{{code value="none"}} 48 48 ant frameworks 49 49 {{/code}} 50 50 51 51 1. Install the frameworks (this just copies the built frameworks from /Roots to the runtime Frameworks directory, usually at /Library/Frameworks) 52 52 53 -{{code}} 66 +{{code value="none"}} 54 54 sudo ant frameworks.install 55 55 {{/code}} 56 56 ... ... @@ -60,31 +60,31 @@ 60 60 61 61 1. Navigate to the Roots directory that was automatically created by the initial Source installation procedure above 62 62 63 -{{code}} 76 +{{code value="none"}} 64 64 cd ~/Roots/ 65 65 {{/code}} 66 66 67 67 1. Delete all installed frameworks whose names match the built frameworks in this Roots build folder 68 68 69 -{{code}} 82 +{{code value="none"}} 70 70 for FRAMEWORK in `echo *.framework`; do sudo rm -r /Library/Frameworks/${FRAMEWORK}; done 71 71 {{/code}} 72 72 73 73 1. Navigate to the original Wonder source directory that you created above during initial source installation 74 74 75 -{{code}} 88 +{{code value="none"}} 76 76 cd /path/to/WonderSource 77 77 {{/code}} 78 78 79 79 1. Pull the changes you do not have and merge them with your local repository 80 80 81 -{{code}} 94 +{{code value="none"}} 82 82 git pull 83 83 {{/code}} 84 84 85 85 1. Clean, build and install the frameworks 86 86 87 -{{code}} 100 +{{code value="none"}} 88 88 89 89 ant clean 90 90 ant frameworks ... ... @@ -104,15 +104,15 @@ 104 104 105 105 For example: 106 106 120 +{code:none} 121 +cd my/special/purpose/clone/of/Wonder 122 +ln -s ~/Library/Application\ Support/WOLips/ 107 107 {code} 108 -$ cd my/special/purpose/clone/of/Wonder 109 -$ ln -s ~/Library/Application\ Support/WOLips/ 110 -{code} 111 111 112 112 An example of where this approach might be used would be when you have different projects (perhaps in a specially designated workspace) that use a specific version of WebObjects and a specific version or branch of Wonder. 113 113 114 114 *Tip:* Specify a custom build directory for Wonder by adding the property 'wo.external.root' to the custom wolips properties file, for example 115 -{code} 128 +{code:none} 116 116 wo.external.root=/Users/mike/Developer/special/directory/Roots 117 117 {code} 118 118