
Last modified by Mike Schrag on 2011/02/21 22:06

In addition to the efforts of the contributors, Project Wonder relies on other open-source software. As a start to acknowledging the software used by Project Wonder, here is a list of some of things used in different parts of Wonder and the license types for them. Thanks to mschrag for the list.

     jabsorb - Apache 2.0
     ibox - MIT...ish
     AjaxGrid - public domain
     ajaxupload - MIT
     behaviour - BSD
     prototype - MIT
     scriptaculous - MIT
     calendar.js - MIT
     date.js - MIT
     jsonrpc - MIT
     modalbox - MIT
     reflect - MIT
     rico - Apache 2.0
     window.js - MIT
     activation - BSD
     javamail - BSD
     derby - Apache 2.0
     commons-* - Apache 2.0
     mina - Apache 2.0
     spy - MIT
     akismet - requires commercial license to use service
     commons-* - Apache 2.0
     jcaptcha - LGPL 2.1 (limited to just ERCaptcha component specifically)
     recaptcha4j - Apache 2.0
     openjms-client - BSD
     commons-* - Apache 2.0
     jaimbot - MPL
     daim - LGPL 2.1 (pluggable)
     joscar - BSD
     jsocks - LGPL, but only necessary if you use joscar
     lucene* - Apache 2.0
     commons-* - Apache 2.0
     icu4j - MIT
     joda - Apache 2.0
     junit - CPL
     log4j - Apache 2.0
     ognl - Apache 2.0 compat
     slf4j - MIT
     commons-* - Apache 2.0
     barbecue - MIT
     barcode4j - Apache 2.0
     iText - MPL
     jasper reports - LGPL
     jfreechart - LGPL
     jcommon - LGPL
     jxl - LGPL
     png-encoder - LGPL
     poi - Apache 2.0
     mockmail - Apache 2.0
     javamail * - BSD
     commons* - Apache 2.0
     jgroups - LGPL 2.1
     datepicker - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
     commons* - Apache 2.0
     htmlparser - CPL
     jug - Apache 2.0
     xmlsec - Apache 2.0
     commons* - Apache 2.0
     core-renderer - LGPL 2.1
     itext - MPL
     ujac - LGPL
     jfreechart - LGPL
     jcommon - LGPL
     jofc - LGPL
     gluonj - MPL (BSD compat)
     javassist - MPL (BSD compat)
     accordion - Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
     ajaxupload - MIT
     calendar date select - MIT
     lightwindow - MIT
     commons* - Apache 2.0
     ezmorph - Apache 2.0
     json-lib - Apache 2.0
     selenium - Apache 2.0
     poi - Apache 2.0
     h2 - MPL
     gammacore - no idea?
     javamail - BSD
     javassist - MPL
     javarebel - requires commercial license
     yui - BSD